
Video Production Resources for Business Owners and Marketers

Ace your next interview by using our 20 interview questions for your next video. In business videos, it has been increasingly more common…

Creating an About Us video is often the first step when developing a video campaign. Still, all too often, they are created without the proper planning leading to poor messaging and costly reshoots to remake the video.
A videographer is a professional camera operator used for television, movie, or corporate video productions.
Video Marketing has become a necessity for entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketers that are looking to generate more leads for their business. It is a proven method that increases website retention, reduces bounce rates, and increases engagement.
The heart and soul of every Kickstarter project is the video. A one to five-minute video breaking down what your product is and why people should take a risk on your company. The video is your one chance at an elevator pitch to hook your customers, so make it count!
Batch video production is taking one shoot day and shooting weeks or months worth of content in one day.
When creating video content for your business, you always want to start by determining what you are hoping to achieve with this video or video campaign. Your goal can be as simple as "showcase expertise in x area" or detailed as "re-target past customers with a promoted Facebook video post to reveal our new products."
View counts look good in corporate presentations - but views don’t mean squat if your video is not performing in other areas. A video strategy that is solely focused on views means your niche is frankly too big or your marketing goals are too broad.
Video has taken over social media. I do not need to convince you of that because it is obvious. What I do want to tell you is most companies are not taking full advantage of video marketing. Your audience is online and interacting with video content daily, if not hourly. As a business, you should be vying to capture those views.